Modern Multi-Channel Customer Communication: Using SMS, VMS, and 2 WAY SMS Tools and Campaigns in Various Areas, Including Debt Collection

Implementation of effective multi-channel campaigns is made possible by modern telecommunication tools. They find application in direct marketing and as a complement to or complete replacement of call and contact center teams. They help in customer communication, support sales, customer service, and debt collection. The use of multiple tools simultaneously, integrated into comprehensive processes and scenarios of automatic communication, translates into increased effectiveness of information and service activities and marketing campaigns, which I will present in this article. 

EasyCall offers a wide range of multi-channel communication tools: SMS, 2 WAY SMS (so-called return SMS), VMS (voice messages), and voice messages with embedded IVR, as well as emails. Some of the tools offered by allow the recipient to make contact back with the sender, such as VMS with IVR and return text messages (2WAYSMS). Their application is effective in mass marketing and promotional campaigns and in the execution of complex informational, sales, and debt collection activities, previously handled solely by telephone consultants. They help build relationships and customer engagement. 

In which industries are multi-channel mass campaigns using SMS, VMS, and 2WAYSMS tools implemented? 

Mass campaigns are applied in many areas related to customer retention and service and debt collection. They can be implemented on a relatively small scale or fully automated, involving the sending of even tens of thousands of messages daily. 

Various institutions conduct mass campaigns: 

  • Advertising and research agencies (IVR surveys, 2 WAY SMS opinion polls) 
  • Travel agencies (marketing campaigns, customer service, sales, status updates) 
  • Insurance companies (surveys, research, marketing consent confirmations, offers, transaction statuses) 
  • Service points and healthcare facilities (appointment confirmations, offers, promotions) 
  • Retail chains and car dealerships (confirmations, offers, promotions, reminders) 
  • Debt collection companies (payment monitoring and soft debt collection) 
  • Courier and postal companies (shipment statuses, offers, promotions) 
  • Online stores (order statuses, offers, surveys, customer service, and loyalty programs) 

Benefits of Multi-Channel Digital Communication (SMS, VMS, 2WAYSMS) 

Companies implementing this type of communication note not only savings but also additional profits combined with an overall improvement in brand image. The mentioned savings result from comprehensive and automated actions combined with reduced operational costs. The efficiency of call center and contact center consultants is improved by involving them in more complex and profitable processes. Additional profits are achieved by increasing the scale of projects, which gain new temporal and financial potential. 

Improving the quality and convenience of comprehensive customer service and building mutual interactions enhances the image of a modern and trustworthy company. 

Automating Outgoing Messages – A Method for Effective Mass Campaign Implementation 

Automating mass campaigns aimed at customers allows for the execution of many complex processes, such as soft debt collection, payment monitoring, mass customer service quality surveys, data processing consent acceptance, internet lead classification, and promotional and marketing campaigns. 

It is assumed that any process describable by an algorithm can be automated. It is also beneficial to retrieve additional external data from other systems, which aids in customer contact and authentication. 

The main advantage of using contact automation is the ability to send thousands of messages daily. Such a wide range of influence cannot be compared to the results achieved even by large call centers. Additionally, automation significantly lowers the overall costs of the endeavor. 

Our clients conducting marketing campaigns use various tools within a single campaign to increase its effectiveness. Typically, voice message (VMS) sending is combined with preceding SMSs announcing an interesting offer, increasing customer reach effectiveness by up to 30%. 

Graphical Interface and Statistics Allow for Real-Time Campaign Management 

The clear online statistics provided by the platform created by EasyCall contain many useful pieces of information. They indicate the most popular procedures seen in customer interactions with the set IVR scheme or virtual agent. They present data on the number of people who made repayment declarations or expressed a desire to contact a consultant. This is an excellent way to make adjustments to the implemented scenarios, which can also be used during the training of new employees. 

Tasks previously performed by call center consultants, such as sending electronic correspondence, are successfully replaced here by an automated process using voice (VMS) and text (SMS) messages. 

Fig. 1 Contact Automation Platform Management Panel (web interface using drag-and-drop technology) 

The platform created by EasyCall can be used for various types of contacts: 

  • Inbound (so-called IVR inbound) – for automatic handling of customers calling the contact center 
  • Outbound – in mass campaigns conducted using VMS (so-called IVR outbound), SMS, and email 
  • Mass – combining VMS with another medium, e.g., SMS, as a tool supporting CTA (call to action) 

Below, I will present examples of using automation and multi-channel mass campaigns in customer service, debt collection, and sales. 

1) Using Multi-Channel Communication in Debt Collection Automation and Payment Monitoring 

Below, we present an example of using tools provided by EasyCall for automatic debt collection. This scheme is implemented among our clients in the financial industry: 

  • The client provides us with debtor data (name, surname, phone number, debt amount). The voice message text is pre-agreed but can also be edited online and read by speech synthesis. 
  • The platform makes several VMS call attempts during the day to up to three specified debtor phone numbers. 
  • When contacting voicemail (so-called voicemail detection), a predefined message about the debt collection attempt is delivered, and the call is terminated. The call can be reattempted according to the set scheme until the campaign ends. 
  • If an actual person answers the voice message, identity verification (DTMF) is performed using name, surname, and birth date. 
  • After verifying identity, the customer receives information about the debt amount. 
  • An automatic payment declaration via IVR or a transfer to a call center consultant is possible. 
  • Additionally, at any point during the call, direct transfer to a consultant is possible (by pressing any key). 
  • Campaign execution data is sent to the client and on SFTP. 
  • Statistics show debtor interaction paths with the IVR (summarized by popularity). 
  • Payment declaration confirmation can be sent via SMS after the IVR interaction ends. 

Fig. 2 Management Panel – Automatic Debt Collection Scheme (fragment). 

It should be noted that the above example of automatic debt collection shows only a part of the capabilities of the tools used in EasyCall. The length of the implemented scheme can be unlimited, as can the type of data retrieved and delivered to the customer. Voice announcements can be provided as voice-over recordings or prepared based on speech synthesis. 

Fig. 3 Statistics showing the popularity of paths executed by customers (individual scheme elements can be color-coded). 

2) Using Return SMS in Debt Collection (2 WAY SMS) 

Handling return responses from recipients of text messages brings many benefits. It allows for better work organization and reduces the number of tasks on telephone consultants. From an SMS, the customer can cancel a scheduled conversation with a consultant, declare debt repayment, or request the total debt balance. 

Allowing your customer or recipient to join the conversation and respond to the received message is beneficial. Thanks to the capabilities provided by return SMS (2 WAY SMS), the recipient can easily reply to a given question. It is a simple and quick tool for customer contact, allowing for specific feedback. 

Here is an example of a message that can serve as a payment deadline monitoring tool: 

“Hello, the payment deadline for the installment under our agreement is on 20.01.2019. If you have already made the payment – reply YES, if the payment will be made soon – reply NO.” 

Another interesting example of using return SMS is scheduling a convenient contact time for the customer: 

“Hello. We respect your time, so please inform us of the hours we can call you today. If you want us to call between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM, reply – MORNING. If you prefer us to call between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM, reply – EVENING.” 

These are just two examples that improve communication with customers. We know from experience that customers cannot always answer calls. However, it is much easier for them to read a message and reply, especially if it only requires entering a simple phrase. It is worth noting that 95% of mobile phone users read SMS messages, and 98% of them read the message within 2 minutes of receiving it. Return SMS makes it easy to reach specific recipients and encourage them to cooperate. 

3) Using Multi-Channel Communication in Sales – Lead Verification 

Another practical application of the multi-channel communication platform from EasyCall is verifying leads obtained via the Internet or external sources. A customer who left their contact details on a website form can receive an SMS thank you, combined with a request to participate in a survey. The survey, in the form of a VMS, can ask the customer about their preferences regarding the offer, convenient contact times, or the correctness of the data in the form. The message can be repeated until the desired results are achieved. Summary information from the surveys is provided to our clients online. 

4) Using Multi-Channel Communication in Customer Service 

The platform developed by EasyCall can automatically collect data related to the investment profile and marketing consents. It is particularly effective in measuring customer satisfaction with their previous service. 

Fig. 4 Management Panel – Service Satisfaction Survey Configuration. 

An example customer satisfaction survey might have the following wording:  

“Dear Customer, this is an automatic process for evaluating the conversation with a consultant from the company… Please rate the following elements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest: 

  1. The waiting time for connection with the consultant. Say aloud the selected rating: one, two, three, four, or five. 
  2. The consultant’s politeness. Say aloud the selected rating: one, two, three, four, or five. 
  3. The consultant’s knowledge. Say aloud the selected rating: one, two, three, four, or five. 
  4. Overall satisfaction with the conversation. Say aloud the selected rating: one, two, three, four, or five. 
  5. Was the problem completely resolved during the conversation? Please answer yes or no. 
  • Yes – Thank you. 
  • No. 

      6. Did the consultant provide all the necessary guidance for further action? Please answer yes or no. 

  • Yes – Thank you. 
  • No – Thank you.” 

More information on debt collection automation can be found in our case study, available as an e-book, which can be downloaded from the website: EasyCall Debt Collection Automation 

We also invite you to contact us directly; our hotline is 22 490 77 77.