Artificial Intelligence and Query Processing in Customer Service

The Application of AI in Customer Query Processing: How Does It Work? 

Undoubtedly, customer service is extremely important in ensuring customer satisfaction and providing top-notch service. In the traditional model, humans handle customer queries. However, today, this area is successfully supported by artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, we will explore what intelligent customer query processing is and the role AI plays in it. 

What is Intelligent Query Processing Using Artificial Intelligence? 

Intelligent customer query processing involves using AI to recognize consumer intent and process natural language. AI tools, including chatbots and voicebots, can analyze data in real-time and respond to consumer inquiries. This supports the daily work of customer service or sales departments. The potential of this technology grows yearly (partly due to machine learning), positively impacting the personalization of communication and the automation of business processes in companies across various sectors. Modern AI tools can generate answers to complex questions, serving as valuable virtual assistants that enhance business efficiency and improve customer experiences. 

How Does It Work? 

How does AI process customer queries? First, the tool reviews the message provided by the customer. Chatbots verify written text, while voicebots conduct real-time conversations, offering many other functionalities to the entrepreneur. Advanced technology and algorithms enable: 

  • Real-time sentiment analysis, 
  • Recognizing customer intent, 
  • Categorizing questions into specific categories, 
  • Verifying the customer’s contact history, 
  • Searching for answers to questions, 
  • Providing real-time responses, 
  • Directing customers to consultants. 

This automation ensures that customers receive real-time responses to their issues or are directed to a consultant for more complex matters. Importantly, customers are not left without a response, which is crucial. Today, AI virtual advisors can analyze customer messages and break them down to fully understand their intent and meaning. 

What AI Tools Are Used in Customer Interaction? 

Various AI tools are used in customer communication. At EasyCall, we specialize in implementing chatbots and voicebots tailored to customer needs and perfectly suited to the specifics of a given business. Additionally, AI can be successfully used for queueing and prioritizing inquiries (including email), advanced data analysis to facilitate decision-making, creating drafts and templates for responses/emails/articles, etc. These are just a few recommended applications of AI in business. It’s essential to stay updated, as the potential of this technology grows yearly. At EasyCall, we stay current with emerging functionalities and work on their development. 

Key Benefits of Using AI in Customer Query Processing 

Implementing AI in customer service allows for better management of the customer service department and optimizing its efficiency. AI can handle multiple queries simultaneously, minimizing the risk of long downtimes. Additionally, communication can be personalized, building customer loyalty and closing the sales process. Currently, the use of AI in customer service is becoming increasingly common and appears to be the direction of the future. Below are the key benefits of implementing an AI system in your company. 

Faster Response to Inquiries 

Many entrepreneurs struggle with overflowing email inboxes or employee mailboxes, filled with dozens (sometimes hundreds) of inquiries. This leads to extended response times for each query, resulting in poorer service and lower customer satisfaction. Human capabilities are limited, and it is impossible to respond to a large number of inquiries simultaneously. This is where AI technology comes in. It allows for the automation of selected areas of customer service, including responses to frequently asked questions, reducing response times and enabling the company to handle a high volume of emails and requests. 

Reduction in Unanswered Inquiries 

Lack of response to a consumer inquiry poses a significant risk. If a customer sends a specific query and does not receive a response, it negatively affects not only their experience but also the company’s image. Disgruntled customers are more likely to share their opinions with friends, acquaintances, or anonymously online. Using intelligent chatbots and other AI tools minimizes this risk. By responding to consumer questions, you build relationships with them and increase the chances of closing a transaction and improving the company’s financial performance. 

Improving Efficiency and Quality of Customer Service 

Of course, reducing response times directly impacts the company’s efficiency. It can serve more customers in the same time frame, ensuring their satisfaction. This allows the company to offer more services or increase product sales. Additionally, improving customer service quality is crucial. Consumers expect their doubts to be quickly resolved and their questions answered. When this happens, their perception of the company improves, even if the query is a complaint. 

Improving customer service quality is also achieved through communication process standardization. AI tools follow a set path and within specific communication frameworks, ensuring that although conversations are individualized, they adhere to the company’s guidelines. Chatbots and Voicebots do not have off days, consistently maintaining a high service standard, enhancing customer service quality. 

Cost Optimization in Business Operations 

AI tools positively impact your finances. How? Modern solutions in this area can take on a significant portion of customer communication. Consequently, you can reduce the customer service department’s workforce or reassign employees to other tasks crucial to the company, such as sales. If AI handles initial customer qualification and only good leads go to sales, conversion rates and revenue will increase. You optimize company maintenance costs and improve profitability through simple and effective AI solutions. 

Creating an Image of a Modern, Technologically Advanced Company 

Do you want your company to be seen as modern and forward-thinking? You must not neglect the implementation of technology. These tools help improve customer service quality, data analysis, and accurately interpreting customer preferences. If consumers see that you use AI in daily communication with them and do it well, enhancing their experience, it positively affects the company’s image. Modern companies find it easier to compete and build their market position. Currently, solutions such as chatbots, AI voicebots, and other AI tools enable integration with CRM systems, creating a cohesive system that improves company efficiency and profitability. Our experts will help you create the image of a modern company. 

24/7 Availability 

Another advantage of using AI in call centers and other company areas where consumer inquiries are processed is 24/7 availability. In practice, this means consumer questions are handled around the clock, seven days a week, maintaining a consistent standard. Experience shows that AI can successfully handle many questions, leaving more complex ones for consultants and appropriately classifying them. 24/7 availability is a valuable asset for companies offering services such as: service support, e-commerce sales, medical services, or operating in multiple markets with different time zones. 

Increased Customer Satisfaction Thanks to AI 

The key benefits of using AI in customer service have been outlined above. The potential of artificial intelligence is vast, and it is up to you to determine how much of it you utilize. Many companies now handle inquiries with AI, positively impacting their financial results and increasing customer satisfaction. 

Learn More 

Wondering if it will work for you? We encourage you to contact our representative directly to verify the potential of implementing AI in your business. For years, we have supported companies in various sectors in implementing modern solutions, including chatbots and voicebots used in customer service and sales. At EasyCall, we guarantee full attention to customer needs and professionalism at every cooperation stage. Contact us today.