Automatic debt collection with EasyBot

Increase the efficiency of debt recovery!

What is an automatic debt recovery?

The Voicebot service makes the debt collection process easier and less expensive. Automatic debt collection allows the recovery of debts without the need for employees to engage in time-consuming and repetitive activities . It enables the implementation of multi-stage recovery processes, providing for, at least, steps such as:

Voicemail detection

Customer authentication

Data exchange with external systems

Acceptance and confirmation of the repayment declaration

Indication of the amount owed and the due date

Debt collection automation is used to complement or completely replace the team of consultants in the call centre in the implementation of pre-collection as well as actual collection (in-house and outsourced).

How does an automated debt collection bot work?

EasyBot will make debt collection simpler for both parties. Customers are more likely to talk on such sensitive topics to a debt collection bot than to a human being. Voicebot does not present emotions and is able to carry out the individual steps of the defined process effectively and substantively.
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Automation of debt collection processes - benefits

Increasing the effectiveness of monitoring and early recovery

Low cost of mass process handling

Redeployment of consultants to more complex tasks and processes

Consultant availability 24/7

Scalability of the service process

Dedicated platform

An intuitive service management panel will allow the processes to be monitored on an ongoing basis and adapted to current needs.

Rapid integration

We provide an API that will allow you to easily integrate voicebot for debt collection into any process handling system used in your company.


Our automated debt collection system allows you to dynamically adjust the number of channels needed for your campaign. Calls can be made en masse at a moment’s notice or gradually, according to a planned schedule.

Cost reduction

You reduce the costs associated with hiring new staff, cyclical increases, the induction process, training and the inevitable turnover.

Standardisation of the process

Voicebot performs its tasks without interruption and always provides the same high standard of conversation. Debt collection conversations often have an emotional nature. Call centre debt collection, which is often carried out by rotating staff who are not always fully implemented in the procedures, carries many risks. “Employing” voicebot effectively eliminates these risks.

Debt collection bot - functionalities

Recognising intentions

Machine learning

Dynamiczna ilość dDynamic number of available channels

Available 24/7

Automated debt collection - applications

Premonitoring of payments

Permanent monitoring

Acquisition of repayment declarations

Verification of debtor's details

What the automation of debt collection processes should look like

consultant availability 24/7

Scalability of the service process

Simple and quick automation of debt collection processes

Plan a process or choose one already existing in your company. You will automate it with voicebot and the practical contact automation platform from EasyCall.

Guarantee of campaign objectives

The debt collection bot performs the defined process automatically, making several call attempts throughout the day all according to a planned process. In this way, we give you a guarantee that the plan will be implemented as you intended and will cover the entire target group.

Better process control means precise information and statistics

You can keep track of statistics and the progress of individual activities in real time. You thus gain the ability to continuously monitor our effectiveness. You will thus increase the efficiency of the entire cycle, not least by effectively allocating your resources.

EasyBot - additional information

Voicebot is an intelligent solution, based on artificial intelligence algorithms, that facilitates and automates customer service processes. Among the main technologies that underpin Voicebot’s functionality are:

ASR technology - which recognises voice commands and converts them into text,

NLU technology - makes it possible to understand the question and recognise the user's intention,

conversation module - which asks or provides answers,

modules that decide when to switch the call to a specific agent,

modules that enable integration with various databases,

AI mechanisms.

See other types of bots