1. This document defines the rules for the processing of personal data by SoftBlue SA in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At the same time, it describes the rights that are entitled in connection with their processing. GDPR will be understood in the further part of the document as the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the European Union 4.5.2016).
  2. The SoftBlue SA privacy policy applies to all SoftBlue SA subscribers, as well as all users visiting our websites (i.e.,,,,, as well as using our mobile applications, who may, but do not have to be SoftBlue SA subscribers.
  3. The owner of the above-mentioned websites and at the same time the data administrator is SoftBlue SA with its registered office in Bydgoszcz 85-063 at Jana Zamoyskiego 2B Street, registered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Bydgoszcz XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000436389, NIP 9671355663, REGON 341338798. Contact to the personal data inspector:
  4. Personal data, which are obtained and stored by SoftBlue SA, i.e., information enabling identification and contact with the User and Subscriber (such as: name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, username, etc.) are processed only to the extent necessary for technical purposes and for the conclusion, modification, termination of the contract, communication and providing him with the highest quality of services.
  5. The user has the right to inspect the processed data at any time, as well as the right to correct them and request their deletion.


SoftBlue SA collects personal data of website users interested in the offer and services of SoftBlue SA as well as data of telecommunications service subscribers obtained when concluding a contract for the provision of telecommunications services. Personal data are collected in particular in the case of:

  1. subscription to newsletters (Newsletter)
  2. reporting interest in services by providing contact data in forms placed on SoftBlue SA websites
  3. registration of User and Customer (subscriber) accounts in services and applications related to services provided by SoftBlue SA
  4. conclusion and execution of the contract connecting SoftBlue SA and the Subscriber
  5. During the use of SoftBlue SA websites, additional information may be downloaded, in particular: the IP address assigned to the User’s computer or the external IP address of the Internet provider, domain name, browser type, access time, operating system type.


  1. Providing products and services – i.e., conclusion and execution of the contract connecting SoftBlue SA with the Subscriber.
  2. Performing the legal obligations incumbent on the Telecommunications Operator, i.e., invoicing and storing accounting documents, responding to complaints, ensuring network security in accordance with PT (telecommunications law) regulations and other legal obligations resulting from PT.
  3. Detection of abuses and their prevention until the limitation period for claims arising from the Contract.
  4. Pursuing and establishing and defending claims arising from Contracts with Subscribers.
  5. Direct marketing – concerns the direct offering of products and services in the SoftBlue SA offer, including conducting competitions related to their promotion.
  6. Making a creditworthiness assessment.
  7. Customer service support, in particular by informing about failures and submitted complaints.
  8. Profiling, i.e., automated analysis of Subscriber data and or Users to determine their preferences, i.e., determining which offer they will be most interested in. This includes running a customer profile.
  9. Conducting a public list of subscribers.


  1. Personal data collected by SoftBlue SA are processed in accordance with the GDPR and the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended).
  2. To ensure the security and protection of Personal Data, SoftBlue SA applies appropriate safeguards, which include technical and organizational safeguards. These solutions include, among others, access passwords, encryption, antivirus protection, firewalls, constant monitoring of systems, detection of break-ins and irregularities, and access control by employees.
  3. In the case of subscribing to a newsletter or signing up for another mailing list of SoftBlue SA, the User has the possibility at any time to request the removal of his e-mail address from the mailing list.
  4. Personal data are stored no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, unless longer storage results from applicable legal provisions. The data storage periods may vary depending on the purpose of their processing.


  1. The right to express and withdraw consents given for the processing of contact data, in particular when the use of the Subscriber’s data is not necessary for the performance of the contract, the fulfillment of a legal obligation or does not constitute a legally justified interest of SoftBlue SA
  2. SoftBlue SA may ask for a separate consent or consents for specific ways of using data not directly related to the performance of the contract and they can be withdrawn at any time by submitting an appropriate application.
  3. The right to rectify data
  4. The right to delete data
  5. The right to limit data processing in accordance with the submitted application
  6. The right of access to data
  7. Data transfer
  8. The right to object
  9. The person whose data are processed may exercise their rights by submitting an appropriate application in writing or by calling the hotline, SoftBlue SA will take appropriate actions to verify the identity of the person submitting such a request.


  1. Personal data may be transferred to third parties acting on behalf of SoftBlue SA to the extent permitted by applicable law, for purposes related to the provision of our services, e.g.: accounting offices, IT service providers, marketing agencies, entities providing advisory services, research agencies.
  2. Personal data may be transferred to other data administrators, acting on their own behalf, i.e., entities providing postal and courier activity, as well as economic information offices and institutions dealing with debt collection and recovery, as well as entities conducting payment activity (banks and payment institutions).
  3. Statistical data obtained through our websites (i.e., data collected in connection with your visit to our websites and applications, e.g., logs) are transferred to third parties for analytical purposes only in an aggregated form, i.e., without the possibility of identifying a specific person.


Personal Data Protection Inspector.

you can direct any questions, comments or requests regarding your personal data to our Personal Data Protection Inspector: e-mail address:,

To exercise your rights, express or withdraw consents and raise objections, use the following contact options.

e-mail address:,


  1. SoftBlue SA uses cookies, i.e., small text files sent to the User’s computer or other device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, smart TV) while visiting the website. Cookies collect information that facilitates the use of the website, e.g., by remembering the User’s visits to the website and the activities performed by him, which allows for the most convenient use of the offer. The “cookie” usually contains the name of the domain it comes from, its “expiry time” and an individual, randomly selected number identifying this file.
  2. The User may at any time change the settings of his browser to block cookies or obtain information about their placement in his device each time. Other available options can be checked in the settings of your web browser. Please note that most browsers by default are set to accept the saving of cookies on the end device.
  3. SoftBlue SA informs that changes to the settings in the User’s web browser may limit access to some functions of the website.
  4. Cookies used by SoftBlue SA (placed on the User’s end device) may be temporary or permanent. Temporary cookies are deleted when the browser is closed, while permanent cookies are also stored after the end of the User’s visit and are used to store information such as the User’s password or login, which speeds up and facilitates the use of the website.
  5. In the case of third-party services presented on our websites, SoftBlue SA does not have access to or the ability to change the content of cookies sent by these services. This can be done by changing the settings directly in the browsers.


  1. The privacy policy does not cover any information regarding services or goods of companies other than SoftBlue SA, which have been posted on the websites operated by SoftBlue SA commercially, as a guest, on the basis of reciprocity or not for commercial purposes.
  2. SoftBlue SA is not responsible for actions or omissions of users resulting in the processing of personal data of third parties by the user using the same tools, however, in a manner inconsistent with the applicable law.
  3. The privacy policy is verified and updated if necessary. The current version of the Privacy Policy has been adopted and is effective from May 25, 2018.