Recruitment Voicebot

Forget standard recruitment interviews – HR voicebot will create a unique recruitment process for you!

What is a recruitment voicebot?

A virtual recruitment assistant is a computer programme based on artificial intelligence that makes it easier for companies and recruiters to communicate effectively with a candidate. A significant number of applicants are mismatched to the position they are applying for – voicebot helps select the right people for the next stage, saving both your time and the nerves of waiting for applicants to respond.

Recruitment voicebots optimise not only the initial stages of the recruitment process, e.g. application selection, but also the exploration of the candidate experience.

Incorporating recruitment voicebots into interviews with candidates can save up to 80% of a recruiter's time and reduce the time to hire a matched candidate by a min. 30%.

How does the recruitment voicebot work?

Like other types of voicebots, the operation of virtual recruitment assistants is based on three basic stages:

speech recognition

natural language analysis

machine learning algorithms

Voicebot works according to the script you set. The first stage of the interview is usually finding out whether the candidate is still interested in the job offer. The Voicebot recruiter will then go into a pre-prepared scenario, based on which it will ask all the key questions for the HR department and the candidate themselves. Their purpose is to initially verify the candidate’s fit for the position. The scenario can be adapted depending on the type of offer and position. The questions themselves may relate to the candidate’s availability, working conditions, required qualifications and experience, financial expectations, location or other details included in the application.

Currently, this task falls to HR staff, who have to make hundreds of calls to people who have sent in their applications. Recruitment voicebot will carry out this time-consuming process much more quickly and allow standardisation of the interviews themselves and the results. The campaign module will allow the planning of a process realization to be scheduled at a set time and number of trials.

After the HR process, Voicebot will provide a report containing the collected responses from each candidate. Based on these, the effectiveness of the campaign can be monitored in real time and the scenario can be adapted to individual responses. This automation of recruitment enormously relieves the recruiter from performing routine tasks and frees up time for other, more complex tasks.

Recruitment voicebot - advantages

Intuitive to use

Always active

GDPR compliant


Automating the recruitment and scaling operations

Artificial intelligence maximises the involvement of HR staff in simple repetitive activities, providing the data package needed for the next key recruitment steps. It takes much less time to process a single application (and this happens almost as soon as the cv is submitted), allowing you to scale your operations without having to increase your HR headcount.

Increasing HR productivity and job satisfaction

Employees responsible for the recruitment process are given support so that they have more time for more challenging tasks. HR voicebot provides basic data and arranges appointments, allowing recruiters to fully focus on further verifying the competencies needed for the job and working with hiring managers or external clients.

Limiting errors

Artificial intelligence collects data automatically, which not only frees up recruiter hours, but also eliminates so-called human error. This includes, for example, confusing windows, accidentally deleting a piece of information or entering the wrong number. The implementation of an HR voicebot therefore reduces situations where a mismatched person for a position has passed through the first filter as a result of an enrolment error.

Candidates matched to the position

Responding immediately when you apply increases your chances of attracting the best employees – before your competitors do. What’s more, even during the first stage – the initial telephone interview with the voicebot – it turns out that around 35% of candidates are mismatched to the position. Artificial intelligence helps to select and invite matching professionals for interview as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Candidate experience

Instant feedback to unsuccessful candidates builds a positive image among candidates. The applicant, and especially candidates invited to the next interview in the process, expect rapid feedback.

Reducing employer costs

Recruitment cost analysis is an important point for any employer. Whether you are running a recruitment agency or your own business, the whole process of sourcing a candidate comes with increasing costs. Verifying cv details, screening by phone, arranging meetings or giving feedback – it all takes time. By employing an HR voicebot, you limit the team’s involvement. In this way, you can reduce your recruitment costs by up to five times.

Reducing employer costs

Recruitment cost analysis is an important point for any employer. Whether you are running a recruitment agency or your own business, the whole process of sourcing a candidate comes with increasing costs. Verifying cv details, screening by phone, arranging meetings or giving feedback – it all takes time. By employing an HR voicebot, you limit the team’s involvement. In this way, you can reduce your recruitment costs by up to five times.

Reducing turnover in the team

How can a recruitment voicebot contribute to this? Simple and repetitive work quickly creates burnout in the recruitment team itself. When an assistant in the form of a voicebot takes over, you are assured that he or she is not planning a change of employer. At the same time, the HR team has more time for activities focused on employee retention in your company.

Talk to our advisor about the Voicebot

W jaki sposób voicebot przyspiesza rekrutacje?

Działania voicebota są skalowane




Voicebot wykonuje połączenia do wielu kandydatów w tym samym czasie
Rekruter poświęca zaoszczędzony czas na realizację kolejnych etapów zaplanowanych w procesie rekrutacji, dzięki czemu nabiera ona tempa

How does voicebot accelerate recruitment?

Artificial intelligence automates and speeds up the candidate vetting process

Voicebot activities are scaled

Candidate responses are automatically entered into the system - HR staff do not need to enter application data manually

Voicebot makes calls to multiple candidates at the same time

The recruiter dedicates the time saved to the next steps planned in the recruitment process, so that it gains momentum

What stages of the recruitment process can be carried out with the help of a voicebot?

First contact with the candidate

Voicebot can automatically conduct preliminary interviews, during which the candidate will hear typical questions related to the boundary conditions for the job.

Selection of candidates

The HR voicebot can also screen candidates based on their answers to initial questions. For example, if a recruiter decides that a candidate must have at least three years of industry experience, voicebot can automatically reject candidates who do not meet this criterion.

Interview scheduling

Voicebot can also help you arrange interviews by inviting you to an interview on a specific date and reminding the candidate of the meeting 2 days in advance, for example.

Feedback after the interview

At the end of the interview, the voicebot can automatically send feedback to the candidate, including what went well and what can be improved in the future.
Recruitment voicebots are a tool to support, but not replace, humans in the recruitment process. Voicebot paired with a competent specialist is a dream team that can accurately assess skills and fit with the organisational culture.

Who is the recruitment voicebot designed for?

The automation that voicebot recruitment brings brings benefits to almost every industry and certainly to any company that does a lot of recruitment. Artificial intelligence supports HR staff in companies with a continuous workforce of sales, manual, administrative or service employees.

Industries where it makes sense to include voicebot in the process include:

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies - due to the high volume of recruitment, a voice assistant can significantly reduce the time to find the right candidate for clients and increase the efficiency of HR consultants.


E-commerce companies usually recruit a lot of people at different job levels. A recruitment voicebot can help with pre-screening and save recruiters time.

Financial services

The financial industry often requires candidates to have specialist knowledge and experience and to meet strict boundary conditions. A recruitment voicebot can help filter out suitable candidates and speed up the candidate vetting process.

Retail trade

Retail trade often has a high demand for seasonal and permanent workers. A recruitment voicebot can help pre-screen candidates and speed up the recruitment process.

Calll centre

Recruitment for recurring positions with clearly defined criteria is ideal for voicebot

What does a candidate's interview with voicebot look like?

A candidate’s conversation with a voicebot resembles a traditional conversation with an HR professional. In the interview script, you input the statements you plan to make to the candidates’.

This way, you retain full control over how such an interview will look.

See other types of bots